Site 2.31

Site ID
Nominal Capacity
10.16 kWp
Average Specific Yield
1039 kWh/kWp
Total Estimated Loss
Possible Gain
2% to 3%
4.22 ₹/Wp, 0 ₹/Wp/a
Expenditure / Energy
8.6 ₹/kWh to 5.7 ₹/kWh
Loosely hanging cables with low bending radius were found. Several modules show delamination, corrosion of busbars, and degrading sealant around the junction box. It is recommended to (i) optimize the cable layout, (ii) re-sort the modules with different power rating and year of manufacture, (iii) retrofit the mounting structure, (iv) monitor manufacturing issues for further degradation and a possible warranty claim, and (v) install a weather station or at least an irradiation sensor on the module plane. The estimated production boost expected by the retrofitting actions lies between 3% and 25%.
Main Findings
Poor cable management: Loosely hanging cables with low bending radius. In addition, the cables and connectors are exposed to ambient.
The labelling used in cables to the inverter are in poor condition.
Several modules show signs of delamination.
Modules with different power rating and year of manufacture in the same string.
Corroded busbars were observed in many modules.
Modules directly bolted onto the table structure which does not provide proper support to top part of the module. Some diagonal straps used in structure damaged. Structure components rusted at joints.
The sealant used around junction box is degrading.
No weather station identified on site.
IR analysis shows presence of hot cells.
Impact on Performance
Heavy Soiling
Based on the IV curve measurements, the soiling loss is estimated to be 1.4%.
Estimated Loss
≈ 1.4%
Cell Cracks
The EL image reveals presence of branched cracks, which arises due to issues in transportation or handling.
Estimated Loss
≈ 4%
Based on the IV curve measurements, the estimated underperformance is 5% for the measured modules.
Estimated Loss
≈ 5%
Near Shading
According to PVsyst simulation, the near shading losses account to 1.48%.
Estimated Loss
≈ 1.48%
Total Estimated Energy Loss
≈ 12.46%
Proposed Solutions
Strings, tables, and inverters should have a suitable labelling (UV-resistant).
The cable layout can be optimized; the minimum cable bending radius is 10x the cable diameter.
Modules with degrading sealant around the junction box pose a safety risk and shall be replaced.
A re-sorting of modules shall be conducted to have modules with same year of manufacture in the same string or at least same MPPT.
A weather station, or at least an irradiation sensor on the module plane shall be installed.
Defects corresponding to manufacturing issues like delamination and corrosion of busbars shall be monitored for further degradation for a possibly warranty claim in the future.